Saturday 31 August 2013


Before coming to Denmark, I did not know what to expect, all that kept running through my mind was to bring jumpers, thermals and books. I was excited yet extremely nervous at the same time but I knew that this was an opportunity that not many students in the cohort could experience. If I had chosen to ignore this opportunity then I am pretty sure that I would have regretted it. My objectives for this exchange was to meet new people, continue my studies in a different environment, experience the culture, explore while being lost and to see how people go about their everyday life and how it differs to the UK. However, since it was my first time away from being home, I knew I would be feeling extremely homesick, but there were people I knew I could turn to for support. This was going to be a a whole new experience and one worth it.

Academically, it was going to be a challenging year and time management is essential. One of my main concerns is the dissertation however, after listening to previous students experiences and lecturers, they advised us to start early and that is exactly what I plan on doing. 

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