Saturday 19 October 2013

Den Fynske Landsby (The Funen village) + leisure time...

During the weekend, me and Helena, also an exchange student, explored an open air museum called the Funen village, which is located behind our accommodation. The Funen village is a reconstruction of what Denmark was like during the 1800. It consists of a number of farms and villages which were originally scattered throughout the Funen Island. It was a great experience as I was able to walk through the village and see how people lived in the olden days, the amount of people living in small spaces, how much they valued animals, what a hospital looked like and be able to differentiate the rich and the poor.

While we were exploring the village, I gained a sense of family orientation which became more evident with how families lived together. Even in the modern age, families and leisure time are what seem to matter the most to Danes. This would explain why the closing times of the shops are the way they are. Usually, on a weekday, shops would close at 5pm, with the exception of Fridays were they would sometimes close at 10pm. On Saturday, shops would close at 3pm and would be closed all day on Sunday except from grocery shops. 

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