Friday 1 November 2013


On the first Friday of November, each year, horses with carts leave the infamous Tuborg Brewery with special christmas beer to deliver to the pubs. At exactly 8.59pm, the christmas beer goes on sale to the public with the locals wearing a blue santa hat with fake snow falling. This christmas beer is so popular, that even though it is available on the market for 6 weeks, it holds the record for the 4th most sold beer every year.

So what makes J-dag so special?

J-dag dates back to the 1980's with a commercial of Santa Claus chasing a Tuborg van during the blue and white, snowy night. This advertisement became so popular that in the following year, Carlsberg Brewery released a special beer in honor of the coming of Santa Claus. This beer was named 'Julebryg'.

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