Monday 16 September 2013

Bike bike bike...

As you all are aware, the Danes love to cycle whether it’s cold, sunny or raining. We were given bicycles of our own and I must say, it is very different than what I am usually use to in the UK. Firstly, the wheels are quite big, and being 5 ft 3/4 it was quite a struggle for me to get on in the beginning. Secondly, the pedals work differently by rotating the pedals backwards, the bike will come to a halt, meaning that whenever I stop, I can not always set the pedals to my preference. However, I feel very safe cycling from place to place, there isn't a constant worry about being run over by cars or trucks because of the wide lane for cyclists and in Denmark, the bicycles always have the right of way. In addition, it is a great way of getting fit and staying warm in a cold country which may get to -20 degrees!

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