Thursday 19 September 2013

Methods and techniques Group work + 45 mins...

Classes here in Denmark seem to fly by so quickly. They usually tend to be 45 minutes with a 15 minute break.  When I asked why classes were set this way, they replied that it because humans tend to lose concentration after 45 minutes, so it is an effective way to ensure that we stay focused. A typical day would
One downside to this however, was that at times, I felt that 45 minutes was not long enough especially in certain topics such as health promotion.
tend to have about 3-4 classes all 45 minutes long with 15 minutes for each break and 45 for lunch.

Another difference is the method of teaching. There has not been one session where we were not asked to work in groups. The groups were already set by the lecturers before starting the course. Very often, we are asked to get into groups and create a discussion on the topic, it seems as though all lecturers encourage discussion and participation in class. This is very useful as it keeps me alert and makes the session more interesting as oppose to just sitting and listening. 

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